Monday, July 28, 2008

Political America

I have a bunch of thoughts going around in my head, revolving around Senators McCain and Obama.
First of all, I realise that every jurisdiction has different constituencies, but when it comes to America, you are really talking about different countries, and different peoples. I am not talking about race, but the way people think, and what is important to them. People west of the Mississippi do no think in the same way as people east of it, and those in the Rust Belt think differently from everybody else. I do not think that many Americans, no matter where they live, think a great deal about what is happening anywhere else in the world.
Senator Obama has, I think at least in his own opinion, thought that he has done his campaign a great deal of good by all of the enthusiasm and visibility his world tour has generated, although I think the fact that he turned down meeting the wounded servicemen in Germany may be more damaging than he yet realises.
Senator McCain spent part of last week campaigning in Ohio, a state he has to win if, as a Republican, he is to become president. Senator Obama won the Democratic nomination by beatig Senator Cinton in states which traditionally vote Republican. The fact that both senators endorsed his candidacy was not enough for him to carry the Democratic state of Massachusetts.
Where would you be spending your time if you were Senator Obama?

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