Monday, August 4, 2008

Who, or What, is Senator Obama

I was accused, earlier this year, of 'not liking' Senator Obama.
I do not think politicians are objects of love, or hate, for me. I believe I am more interested in whether they are individuals of integrity, of experience, of commitment, of vision, and of whatever qualities are required for the particular post to which they aspire.
I have, from the very beginning, been impressed by how articulate the Senator is, and by the domestic policies he proposes for America. I was disturbed by his apparent lack of concern as to how he would implement his proposals, and I have come to wonder how such a relative newcomer to national politics has been able to fund his campaign in such an extravagant manner. Beyond all of this, I wonder what drives the Senator.
I see no evidence that he is concerned about his inability to attract Democratic voters in the party's traditional bastions such as New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and California, and I wonder if there is a clue there. Does Senator Obama see himself as some mythic figure, who will unite Americans, not behind a vision, but behind a visionary?

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