Friday, January 23, 2009

President Obama

I have recently finished reading the President's Audacity of Hope, and we now have the evidence of how quickly he has moved, since his inauguration,to begin implementing his promises. Especially important, in my view, is his appointment of Messrs Mitchell and Holbrooke as peace envoys to the Middle East and Afghanistan/Pakistan. I believe that this President has the capacity and commitment to fulfill a large part of the world community's expectations of the United States, but there are caveats.

We must, all of us, wherever we are, whatever our beliefs, and expectations, consciously accept his leadership, and respond positively to his requests of us. We must pray for him daily, for those he leads, and for their objectives, that God will endow them with the grace, the wisdom, and the strength that they will need. May God protect them from all dangers.

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