Sunday, June 22, 2008

The lamb and the ewe

Maura's and my visits to Kerry have fallen into a pattern. We normally stay around Kenmare, and after breakfast we like to walk around the town, or drive out into the surrounding country and visit some other town or village. Maura picks up cold cuts, and whatever else we need for a picnic lunch, before we drive out sightseeing. We stop for lunch when we feel peckish, and see a pleasant spot.
One day we were driving up through the mountains just to the west of the Mac gillicuddys Reeks (mountains), when we spotted a nice grassy area, beside a mountain stream. The sun was warm, and we spread ourselves out on a grassy patch beside the stream. We had our picnic, and gradually a bleating registered on me, and I looked around to find the source. I spotted a lamb, standing on a rocky outcrop. It stood erect, looking steadily in the one direction, giving its little bleat every minute or two. We studied it for a while, and I decided to investigate. I found,in a hollow midway between our picnic site and the lamb, a ewe: its eyes were open, it didn't utter a sound, and it was lying on its back. "It can't get up Des, we must help it: the lamb is hungry." "But Maura, perhaps the ewe is sick. I'm going to get help." We drove down the mountain to the first cottage, and the young farmer came back with us, and had it up on its legs in no time. "It belongs to my neighbour. If you hadn't come for me it would have been dead by evening."

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