Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reaching Out

I have been trying to understand what was going on around me for as long as I can remember, and I feel that I have been very fortunate in the opportunities I have had. Great as they have been, I am amazed when I think of what has recntly become available, to virtually everybody on our planet. Access to the Web is now worldwide; libraries race to capture in digital form virtually everything which has been written; news media provide instant news reports; students in Iran, as people everywhere, tell us what is really going on in their countries. We no longer have to learn through the distortions of others: we can reach out to others individually, find out who they are, what they need, and what they can offer us.

I would like to be part of such an effort, and it is for this reason that I felt it worthwhile making the commitment to begin this initiative. I have no idea how it will develop, if it should develop at all. I have no preconceived agenda, hidden or otherwise. I look upon it as a forum, in which each is free to make his contribution.

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